JuiceCon 2018 Group Photo

Charlie Wettlaufer

What I Learned at JuiceCon

What an amazing time we all had this past weekend at JuiceCon. I am truly touched about how much positivity there is in our community, and how many kind, caring people we managed to bring together into one place. The only sad part is that we have to wait a whole a year to do it again. šŸ˜¢

Couldnā€™t make JuiceCon this year? You can Pre-register for 2019 now. Location and event details have not yet been determined.


There was a ton of valuable knowledge shared in the main speaker room and in the workshop room, and the list of takeaways would be too long to put into this article.Ā We will be sharing videos of the main room presentations in the coming weeks, and I will be following up with some of the speakers and attendees to write more in-depth articles on some of the topics discussed at the event.

More important than the technical knowledge, however, is the bigger lesson I learned.

The entrepreneurs involved in our industry areĀ different.Ā Yes, you may have started a juice company to make money, but letā€™s be honestā€” there are much easier ways to make money than to be a juice maker. The juicing business isĀ hard. We arenā€™t selling flavored water that can sit on a shelf for six months without refrigeration. We arenā€™t selling toxic processed food that is making our world sick.


We know that what weā€™re selling is something much greater than food and beverage, and can hardly be categorized as a product. What weā€™re selling is a way for people to transform their lives. When a customer walks into your juice bar for the first time and tries your sweet green juice, they are surprised. They didnā€™t think they would like it! That can be a life changing moment for that person. That moment can be the start of a journey that they didnā€™t know they would be on. That moment could be the difference between a blah existence and a vibrant, fulfilling life for them and the people surrounding them.

What weā€™re all doing as juice makers is trying to create as many of those moments as possible. With the billions of people that have never tastedĀ real juice made on an actual juice press, how do we work together to show them the power of juice? How do we open their eyes to the fact that juice can, and does cure people of all sorts of illness, obesity, and health issues? How do we prove to them that they can be happy, healthy, and confident?


We do that by working together, by sharing knowledge, and by supporting fellow juicepreneurs in any way we can. As I mentioned in my opening speech at the event, if your competitor turns 100 new customers onto juice, and those customers turn their friends and family onto juice, and those people turn their friends onto juice, a year or two later there are now thousands of new customers drinking juice in your area. Some of them will buy form your competitor, some will buy from you, but in general the industry is now bigger because your competitor is doing well. You shouldĀ want your competitor to do well and grow this industry as a whole.

What I learned at JuiceCon is that all of you wonderful people already know this, and already believe it. That is what made this event so special. I feel so grateful and so fortunate to have been a part of it, and to be a part of this industry. Thank you so much for making this industry so great!

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God's will

Hi Charlie, you guys are are doing a great job out there with your good- health transformation movement. Very soon our societies , our countries and the world at large will soon be better place. Well its unfortunate that i missed this wonderful event. I will try to be part of next year's juicecon. Pls keep me posted as we have alot to do together. Thanks bro

Nov 24, 2018
Donald Stokes

I thoroughly enjoyed Juicecon and hope to be at a future one be it next year or the year after. It is a different type of person to embark on this, with it being something that sure seems to make a difference in a persons life. Thankyou To one and all for putting the wheels in motion, to breaking new ground with this. Donald Stokes Ontario, Canada

Nov 22, 2018
Jeff Green

This is awesome Charlie! Iā€™m so glad you guys have been able to organize this and that itā€™s been a success. Itā€™s a massive step for this industry. Iā€™m talking to different juicing business owners on a daily basis. There is so much hard work going in every bottle of juice. All the hour spend, grinding in the kitchen, working 24/7, even though some of them are barely breaking even. There is so much love for juice and dedication to helping people! Itā€™s extraordinary and working together and sharing knowledge will make a huge difference

Nov 16, 2018
Charlie Wettlaufer
Goodnature logo badge

Thank you Jeff! Hope to see you there next year!

Nov 16, 2018
Andrew McFarlane

A lot of beauty and truth in what you shared. It is really beautiful to see what kind of people come together in the name of making the world a healthier place. Such a joy to participate in this event. Let's keep expanding the benefits of this lifestyle until juice and healthy living is the norm and everything else fades out into obscurity..

Nov 16, 2018
Charlie Wettlaufer
Goodnature logo badge

Well said Andrew, thank you for your involvement in making this first event so great.

Nov 16, 2018

What will it cost can I make payment plan

Nov 16, 2018
Charlie Wettlaufer
Goodnature logo badge

Tickets were $699 this year, and probably about the same next year. The value you get out of it is worth so much more!

Nov 16, 2018

Hi I would love to come to next years juice con I live in uk so would be interesting to see the difference in what our grog and industry needs are Please give me plenty of notice when you plan your event Juliet

Nov 16, 2018
Charlie Wettlaufer
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Juliet, you can preregister at the juicecon website https://juicecon.co to get notified of ticket sales before the public!

Nov 16, 2018

Hi Iā€™m from the UK too and would love to attend the next juicecon. Also. Interested in chatting to you too, for an exchange of ideas

Nov 19, 2018