Charlie Wettlaufer

JuiceCon 2022 Cancelled

We are sad to say that based on the new COVID Omicron surge, increased travel restrictions, and potential increased mandates we feel we are forced to cancel the event. Although April 2022 is still four months away, we have to make the decision now.

Here are the factors that contributed to the decision:

  1. A large percentage of our attendees come from international locations, including some impacted by current travel restrictions, and some that may have increased restriction soon — including Japan, Australia, Africa, and Europe.
  2. We have deadlines quickly approaching that dramatically increase the amount of non-refundable payments we have to make to our event vendors. If we wait and see how things go, we could end up being on the hook for enough to really hurt our business if we have to cancel the event later. Some of our vendors agreed to refund us if the event is cancelled because of Covid, but some have not.
  3. With the event being based in California, there is the potential for increased mandates including vaccination requirements and other restrictions that may impact our ability to host a successful event.
  4. With the general sense of fear and uncertainty around Omicron, it may not be possible to sell enough tickets or find enough sponsors to make the event possible.

If you want to watch my video description of our decision to cancel, please check out the post on Instagram.

We are currently exploring options for hosting a virtual event, or at least hosting some online discussion panels with the same educational topics that we were going to present at JuiceCon. Obviously, something on the internet doesn’t come close to being able to interact with everyone in person, but it may be our best option right now. We will notify our email list of any plans in the coming weeks.

I was genuinely looking forward to seeing everyone again, and it breaks my heart that we have to do this. It’s been too long since we’ve had the #GoodnatureFamily together, and I hope once things calm down we can get another date on the calendar ASAP.

Peace, love, juice! ✌



Carol Alberts

Wow! I understand.

Dec 7, 2021
Danette Partellow

Oh no! We were really looking forward to it! However, we totally understand your decision.

Dec 6, 2021
Alexandra Anzaldua

Ernesto and I are so sad to hear this news, we were looking fwd to attend again this year and to continue learning from you and sharing our journey as well, although we completely understand the situation and 100% support your decision. We hope to see you again soon. Take care! Alexandra and Ernesto JuiceUs.

Dec 6, 2021