two glasses of cranberry apple orange juice on a white table
Chef Ari Sexner
Recipe by Chef Ari Sexner

Cranberry Apple Orange Juice

Who doesn’t love cran-apple juice? 

Our in-house chef put his own spin on cranberry apple juice, adding orange, pear, lemon and fennel, creating a balanced and crazy-good flavor.


You’ll need a juice press or juicer to make this delicious recipe. No crockpot, instant pot or slow cooker needed.

Click here to skip straight to the recipe. Read on to learn why we love this cranberry apple orange juice.


Why We Love This Cranberry Apple Orange Juice Recipe

The juice from cranberries is notoriously tart. Which is why most cranberry juices have a ton of added sweetener—to balance out the sourness of the cranberry. That is unless you pick up a sugar-free version, in which case you’re either consuming stevia (yuck) or a sugar alcohol like Splenda (unhealthy).

This gluten-free cranberry apple juice recipe has no added sweetener (not even brown sugar). Instead, the sweetness comes from the natural sugars in the apple, orange and pear. But these delicious fruits do more than just sweeten and enhance the flavor of the beverage.


There are a ton of amazing health benefits that come with this fresh cranberry juice, including:

  • Super high in vitamin C. Literally every ingredient in this cran-apple juice recipe is rich in vitamin C.
  • High in potassium. Cranberry, apple and fennel have notable amounts of potassium.
  • Antioxidant rich. Every ingredient is rich in antioxidants.
  • Supports immune system. As you’d expect with a beverage high in vitamin C.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Most of the ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Can lower cholesterol. The orange and apple may help lower cholesterol. 
  • High in calcium. Every ingredient has some calcium.

Another important nutrition fact: each 12 ounce glass has around 90 calories.


This juice is so yummy, I’ve made it twice since Chef Ari shared this recipe a few weeks ago! If you are a sucker for sweet-tart style juices like I am, you will really love this one.


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